Day 3 of downhill practice saw the same dusty conditions and track deterioration as before.  However with a big crowd and no clock,  riders could relax and put on a show for the spectators.

Good old shuttle vehicles
As the proverbial goes, we’re not here to…
Aaron Gwin, looking as fast as always
Jake Newell
Danny Hart
Connor Fearon
Greg Minnaar, and some side show from the Moisty Boiz
There was a couple of very close riders through the rock garden today. Pierron being chased down by Gee
The Men’s shed BBQ started and was doing a roaring trade from its oasis right near alien tree.
You’d hope not many of these would need to be used by the ambos.
Danny Hart having a rare moment of picking the wrong line through Generator,  almost getting bucked off the bike after coming up short.
Stay on ya bike Danny!
Tahnee Seagrave, the UK teams only hope in female elite after Rachel broke her collarbone and Manon retired.
Magnus Manson lost a bit of jersey to the rock garden with a big crash.
Katie Lawlor had a big smash, breaking her collarbone. Healing vibes.
Mick in front of the big crowd in rock garden. Tomorrow at around 2.45PM will be even bigger when his race run will be on.
Finn Iles looking pinned as usual, the Aussies will do well to beat him in Junior men’s, but here’s hoping.
Bruni about to take a rest stop and have a good look at the rock garden.
Bruni checking out Blenki’s lines.
Connor Fearon chasing through the shadows.
Shark Attack on track
The sprint finish doesn’t need to be pedaled when there’s no clock. This’ll be different tomorrow!


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