16 // Sydney – North Shore // U21 Men
William (Nimmy) Stockwell is a young rider from the North Shore of Sydney who’ll be racing in Derby this weekend along with his older brother, Sam. Enjoying dirt jumps, pumptracks, enduro racing and downhill, Nimmy is a versatile rider who’ll be pushing for a good result this weekend.
How long have you been riding mountain bikes?
I started riding mountain bikes around six years ago.
How long have you been racing enduro?
I’ve been racing enduro every now and again, but I think my first staged race was a Rockytrail rollercoaster up at Ourimbah in 2013.
Favourite trail in Sydney?
Well, I would say Berm Track (Oxford Falls) however that has been tragically removed – Tender topic. So probably Ya Mum, always a good ride with all the boys.
Who are your sponsors?
Just the ‘rents.
What bike will you be riding?
I will be riding my noble Canyon Strive CF 8.0 race.
What’s been your best result in Enduro racing so far?
I can’t say any results have stood out significantly, but definitely on the hunt for a few in the near future.
Have you attended any previous EWS races?
No, this is my first experience and I have no idea what to expect. Keen.
What goals have you set for yourself for this race?
Beat my brother.
What’s been your training plan in the lead up to the race?
Leading up to the race I’ve been trying to get as much time on the bike as possible including road rides, xc races and turbo training (shout out to Poska for that one). I’ve also been running and doing strength stuff. Pretty much anything I can.
What do you think the biggest challenge will be?
Pacing myself as I haven’t done a stage race as long as this before.
Any plans to tackle more EWS stages after Derby?
I’m definitely keen to do as many as I can and just race more in general, we will have to see what happens.
How do you think you’ll feel when you’re in the start gate come race day?
I think I will be buzzing and keen to pedal myself silly.